Mental Health Care and Emergencies

If you are in distress and would like to access additional support, please contact your Employee Assistance Program or nearest crisis/distress centre. If it is an emergency, call 911 or go to your local emergency department.


Your privacy is important to us. We understand that you are trusting us with very personal information. We take that to heart. Our privacy policy explains what data we collect, and why it's collected.

We comply with Canadian privacy laws, PIPEDA, GDPR, and COPPA. Your data is stored encrypted on your device. If you create an online account, your data is securely synced and stored encrypted on our secure servers located in Canada.

We collect and process your data to provide insights to you and, if you opt in, for us to see aggregate trends of our users. We use these trends to identify general patterns across all of our users to tailor our content and services. If you opt into Analytics, we collect non-personally-identifying information to better understand user behaviour and fix bugs. Analytic information is stored in the United States.

Following this statement is our "legalese" extended privacy policy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer, Scott Borys, at Thank you for reading!